Thursday, June 21, 2012

Raise a Glass to the College Grads

Back in May, we went back to Chapel Hill to see my cousin, Phillip David, graduate from UNC. Y'all know I love my alma mater, so give me an excuse to spend a whole weekend there? Bring it.

I have the best memories of the night before my graduation. In one of those events titled Things I Never Thought My Parents Would Do, I convinced them to join me and every other graduate at He's Not Here, one of my favorite Chapel Hill bars at the time. My Uncle Todd and Aunt Betsy came too and I was so happy to share that piece of my undergrad experience with them.

So, the night before Phil's graduation, I was ridiculously antsy to hit up Franklin Street. Chattanooga doesn't have the same night scene that Chapel Hill does and I was bound and determined to take advantage of it while we were there. Allie, Phil, his girlfriend CJ, and Megan (his sister,yet another AMAZING cousin) were game and so out we went.

I call this next series of photos, "It's Been Twelve Years Since I Graduated and Once A Year I Will Act Like I'm Still Twenty-Something While Having The Advantage of The Confidence of My Thirties."

 Oh, the Blue Cup. A dear, dear friend during my last two years of college. 

 And then we moved on to champagne. It seemed like the only logical thing to do.

 Proud alumni! (L-R) Class of 2008, Class of 2000, Class of 2012

A shining jewel in the middle of Franklin Street - Top of the Hill
Where I spent many a birthday night, had the best E-Ranch New Year's Eve ever, watched the men's basketball team bring home the 2005 national championship and did many embarrassing things the night of my bachelorette party. 
Top O and I? We're close.

It took Allie all of about 30 seconds to talk a random frat guy into letting her try on his sports coat. She was completely in awe of all the preppiness of Chapel Hill.

 We get crazy on the dance floor. It's scary.

 Everybody loves Dean. 

You know what else I love? Telling some lame drunk dude who was hitting on us to go away. Oh, yes I did. And it was awesome and I felt none of the guilt I would have in my twenties.

Being in my thirties freaking rocks. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Neither here nor there

One of the things that I miss most about teaching is the summers off. Oh, how I miss the summers off. Two and half months of glorious freedom to lounge about, get stuff done, pool crash, watch crappy TV, read, write, craft to my heart's desire... the ache of not having that anymore is palpable. Instead I sit under a fluorescent light for eight hours in a room with no windows. Yes, I am grateful for my job and I truly love my job, however summers are sloooooooow in a chapel office at a small college.

But then there's this.

Oh, yes. Come Thursday, I am free! I'm using some of my well hoarded paid time off for the end of this week and all of next week. My plans? First, a little staycation action that involves lots of summer sewing, cook-outs with friends and ogling my handsome husband. Then, a solo trip to North Carolina for a few days! Carolina on my mind, indeed. There's a very good chance that one day I will simply set up camp at Foster's, tweet my location and see who all I can get to join me.  

Also, the stars have aligned and all four members of the E-Ranch will actually be in the same place at the same time. With Anna and her crew taking off for their family adventure to South Africa, this is likely to be the last time we'll be able to all be together for a year or so. Ok, changing the subject because I can't do the Ugly Cry while I'm at work.


My June in Instagram form continues...

Day 12, From a Low Angle. Shot of blue after days of grey and fog up on the mountain.

Day 13, Art. Sketch in pastels by my mom, Lila Dianne, original painting by Carlye Daugirdand calligraphy by Suzanne Starr. 

Day 14, Time. During these slow summer work days, this time is my favorite. #outthedoorsofast

Day 15, Yellow. The first time I successfully sewed in a zipper was on this yellow pillow.

Day 16, Out and About. A Saturday date day concludes with dinner on a lovely front porch at The Big Table.
{Date day included going to see "The Avengers." SO GOOD. That led to subsequent home viewings of "Iron Man 2" and "Thor." I'll let you guess what I dreamed about Sunday night.}

Day 17, In Your Bag. Summer sewing supplies. #crafty

Day 18, Something You Don't Know About Me. Even in 90+ degree heat, I'd rather have the windows down and sunroof open than turn on the AC. #windbown


I've opted to watch this season of "The Bachelorette," partly due to the fact that it was featuring a North Carolina girl. To be quite honest, I had found Emily to be pretty wimpy and a little ditzy on her season of "The Bachelor" and wasn't too surprised when she and what's-his-name broke up. Besides the obvious ample opportunities for snark as I "watch" the show with my friends on Twitter, I've been delighted to see that Emily has quite the backbone. She's charming and sweet (as most Southern girls tend to be), but girlfriend is not playing around when it comes to picking a man for the long haul. I've been thrilled, thrilled, to see her dismiss some of the men as soon as it becomes clear they have less than honorable intentions, sometimes telling them buh-bye even before the rose ceremony. 

Last night, she went on a date with the traditionally hunky but over-confident Ryan. Homeskills thought he had this thing in the bag and for some reason, thought it was a faaaabulous idea to continually refer to Emily as a "trophy wife." His final misstep was pulling out a list of qualities that he was looking for in a woman, a list which was mainly superficial. Nowhere on that list was there anything about building a strong family. Hey, Ryan? Newsflash- you're trying to woo a woman with a daughter, aka, your potential family. This was the proverbial straw for Emily and she told him that he would not be getting a rose. Say it with me now, "Gentlemen, if you did not receive a rose tonight, please take a moment to say your goodbyes."


What Ryan took a moment to do was attempt to stare Emily down and then proceeded to condescend and manipulate/guilt trip her into changing her mind. The part that infuriated me the most was that his manipulation was disguised as "gentlemanly" southern charm. Suddenly I was right back in my mid-20's, right smack back in that relationship with my own version of Ryan. As I watched Emily duck her head and begin to question her decision, I got mad. I remembered what it felt like to have my resolve and clear thoughts begin to crumble under the weight of a man persuading you (with genteel southern smoothness, mind you) that he was right and you were wrong. I remembered what it felt like to have my only worth be found in what I looked like and how skinny I could be and what clothes I was wearing. I remembered what it felt like to be a trophy girlfriend, until I wasn't one anymore. I remembered how good it felt to finally raise my head, hold my gaze and tell him I wouldn't be that trophy anymore. So when Emily did the same, you best believe I cheered and clapped. Oh, let's just be honest, I hollered.

And for the record, my vote is for Arie or Sean.


Random things around the Internets that I am loving...
  • I'm wondering why Allie and I never did this when we were little. This little gem is a cover of this which is a cover of this.
  • This post by Sarah Markley. My answers are a.) I need to do more of this and b.) OH YES (aka, Parents, please stop blogging nude/semi-nude pictures of your children.)


Coming up later this week, Paleo! Happy Tuesday, y'all.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Inspiration via Instagram

In an attempt to woo myself back into writing, I've been looking for inspiration wherever I can find it. I figured I'd start with that oh so popular app, Instagram. Every month, Chantelle posts a series of photo prompts for that entire month. Since my job is pretty slow right now, I knew that I could put some effort into being intentional about looking for the little things. Here's a little bit of my June thus far...

Day 1, Morning. 
Somehow getting Starbucks from the one next to the famous "See Rock City" feels even more special.

Day 2, Empty
Every single produce bag holder at Walmart. For over a week now. #1stworldproblems

Day 3, On my plate.
A zucchini brownie from the second batch I've made this week. #paleo
{Yes, I've been eating Paleo for the last couple of months. Blog post coming on that soon...}

Day 4, Close-up. 
Budding hydrangea outside my office.

Day 5, Sign. 
When you have middle & high school students on campus all summer, this is absolutely necessary.
{I didn't make this sign, but I giggle every time I walk by it!}

Day 6, Hat. 
I still long for this gorgeous chapeaux. 
I found it at Kress Emporium in downtown Asheville last spring and oh, how I wish I could have brought it home with me! #southerngirl

Day 7, Drink. 
Water. All the ding dang day.

Day 8, 6 p.m. 
Contemplating take-out from a restaurant that, turns out, we will never patronize ever again. Specifically, the location in Red Bank. Worst. Management. EVER.

Day 9, My View Today. 
Morning quiet
Oil change 
Sunset cookout with friends
Patio lights I've waited 6 years to hang. 

Day 10, Best Bit of My Weekend. 
This, always. #mylove

Day 11, Door. 
And every day I'm happy to walk through it!

Which reminds me, I need to post pics of our new place now that we're all moved in. See? Inspiration found.