Friday, September 01, 2006

Things, they are a changin'

For one thing, I'm getting used to the odd way that Texas works their highways and on-ramps and service roads. They're all jumbled together and the service roads are actual roads that have lots of traffic. When you exit off a highway, you're exiting onto those service roads and so you have the right-a-way. If you're driving down the service roads, you have to yield to the traffic whizzing towards you at 65+ mph from the highway. It's crazy but it's also starting to feel normal to me. I mean, hey, if you want to tell me that I don't have to slow down as I take the exit ramp, I'm all about that!

Jason told me before I moved out here that one thing I could count on was that in every strip mall there is always a doughnut place and a nail salon. Yup, totally true. And sweet home away from home, the king of all doughnuts, the creator that originated in my hometown of Winston-Salem - KRISPY KREME - exists just 15 minutes down the road. Praise the lord.

Tonight, I experienced the fall/winter lifestyle that is known as "Friday Night Lights" when we went to my first Texas high school football game. Yes, football season has begun and it is a WHOLE other world. I come from the land of basketball, home of the Heels. The ACC conference I understand. The SCC and Big Twelve I do not. So, my football education begins in earnest tomorrow. Well, maybe. I may nestle into the couch with a new book and just watch Jason hoot, holler, and shout at the TV.

And here's the newest change in the Petree household...


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    my friend the beauty queen...oh how i miss her...what are you reading these days?...not that i have time to read!
    Love you,

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    you dun got yer hairs did. diddntcha?

    looking good in the neighborhood.

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Love the hair! Glad you found a good stylist all the way out west!

  4. Meg- Miss you too! I'm currently reading "Me", an autobiography of Katherine Hepburn. Pretty good so far, an interesting life to peek into.

    Anonymous- Why yes I did, thanks for the compliment.

    Debo- 10 years in Durham/Chapel Hill and I could never find someone I consistently like. One month in Mansfield and I get it right on the first try! Go figure...

  5. Anonymous6:16 PM

    i love it! great to talk to you!
    love ya!
    Sarah P.

  6. told me you got your hair cut, but I didn't realize you cut it that much. Didn't think to ask if you'd changed styles. Looks good dear!
    xo sj

  7. love the new do! thanks for the ring. i'll try to call you tomorrow or during the day thurs/fri (we're taking off for the beach, and I'll have loads of free time :) miss you!

  8. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Very CHIC!


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