Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Next thing you know, I’ll be taking advantage of the early bird dinner special.

So I had this great post all worked out in my head. It’s all about the changes I’ve noticed in myself as a teacher. Specifically, the difference between teaching as a single gal and now, as a married woman.

Only, you’re not getting that post tonight.

Sorry. You’ll get it sometime.

But it is 9:25 and in about five minutes I am turning my lamp off and going to sleep.

You see, apparently I have forgotten those glorious first two weeks of the school year when no matter how much sleep you’re getting, you are completely freaking exhausted. I suppose going from speaking only to my dog and husband all day to talking with/giving directions to/answering questions/listening to thirteen eight year olds will do that to you.

Not that I am complaining. Believe me, I’m loving every minute of it.

Kind of like I will love every minute of the sleep I’m about to get.

Night night.


  1. 16 years and I am still absolutely dumbfounded by the exhaustion.

  2. I'm really behind on posting, and I'm trying to get caught up. Just wanted to drop you a quick line to say I'm really glad you are enjoying the start of the school year, even if you are exhausted! The world needs more teachers like YOU!

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Hubs made fun of me for being in the bed by 9pm. He doesn't understand how tired teaching makes you. By the time I get home from school and practice my patience is gone and my feet are killing me.

  4. That's something no one but a teacher (or similar profession) really understands. Being "on" all day like that just saps all your strength.

  5. i hope the rest of your week went well and you get some much deserved rest this weekend! i saw that you have a teacher blog, i love that! thanks for entering the contest, i'd love to still cut some letters for you. check out the blog for details!


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