Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I swear she’s raiding my mind for song ideas.

I was about to give up and that's no lie
cardinal landed outside my window
threw his head back and sang a song
so beautiful it made me cry

Took me back to a childhood tree
full of birds and dreams

From this one place I can't see very far
in this one moment I'm square in the dark
these are the things I will trust in my heart
You can see something else
something else…

{From Sara Groves new album, “Fireflies & Songs” which you should all go out and buy today}


  1. Don't you just love her? I can't wait to hear the new album. How are things?

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I'm not sure what all you are going through right now but just know that I am praying for you. I have been struggling myself and know how important thoughts and prayers from others are. Its is always the trails in life that bring us closer to Him. Remember, "If God will bring it to you, He will bring you through it".


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