It's December 23rd and I am frantically trying to finish my Christmas prep. Back in November, I made a resolution to not do any of my Christmas shopping at the mall. The place makes me bitter, folks, and that ain't pretty. So instead I summoned up all my creative energies and have managed to be quite crafty (and I mean that literally) in my Christmas giving. With the exception of my darling E-Ranchers, who received Wendy's Bucks in homage to our Mecca, all of my gifts are handcrafted and not mass manufactured. And I don't say that to brag, it's been more of a resistance to the overwhelming commercialism of the Christmas season. You don't need to hear me rant about that, there are other folks out there who do it better. But I will say that making all my gifts has freed me up to truly enjoy the giving and the creating.
So after enjoying the Cruise Family Christmas last weekend (more blogging and pictures to come soon, including the "Toilelight Zone"), I'm off to enjoy the warm company of family and friends. First I'll go here:

to be with:

and then here:

to be with:

and then last, but certainly not least, I'll go here:

to see the very best that Dallas, Fort Worth, Mansfield, and Abilene have to offer and to ring in the New Year in a most delightful way.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, and may you have the happiest of a Happy New Year!
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