Tuesday, September 18, 2007

RE: Last night's episode

Gondola Driver: I wonder if Spencer is going to pay me for the extra go-round? I mean, it's not my fault the papparazzi didn't get them the first time around.

Spencer: If I hold on tight enough she won't jump out. I really need these shots to make US magazine this week. I'm running low on cash...I wonder if I can get her to steal Brent's job from under his nose. Worked with Elodie...

Heidi: Spencer, honey, I can't breathe.


  1. please...help me figure this out! i see these two in us weekly...and i don't know if it's real? or a show? are these people truly as hideous as they seem?

    how can i be so far behind here?

  2. WELL....if she doesn't know then you KNOW that I have no flippin' clue what that Gondola is?

    You two make me feel old when it comes to POP CULTURE 101...drats! I was up till 2am watching Bourne #2...so that I could go see Bourne #3 before it leaves the theatre... I am legalistic.

    I just started 24 Season 6...with only 4 available episodes... I'll be done this week.

    I have a netflix LOST Season 1 waiting and a blockbuster HEROES Season 1 waiting... which one should I begin?

    Note: I will not change title of Blog.

  3. I take all of what I said back...

    I'm going to Van Halen in four days! Can either of you say that?

    so there.



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