Friday, February 08, 2008

Favorite Things of The Day (so far)

  • Waking up early to go to a stability ball class that whooped my tail in the best way possible. And knowing that I am done with exercise for the day.
  • No line for showers at the gym and practically the entire counter to myself to get ready.
  • Getting this text message from my niece and nephew, "we r so excited love will and scout". I can almost guarantee that one of them wrote it themselves on their mom's phone. Love the gadgets, they do.
  • Trying a new flavor of an old favorite for breakfast- Clif Bar, Banana Nut Bread
  • Eagerly anticipating with my coworker, Melisa, the imminent birth of her nephew, Jackson. He should be here within the hour...
  • Knowing that when I'm done teaching this afternoon, I can head straight home and take a long, cozy nap before we load our bags in the car and head to Lubbock for the weekend!!


  1. HI! Found you on here too! What a small world! Crazy who God puts in our paths....Hope you had a good trip.


  2. ok. i did it. i'm on blogspot. and i expect to make it in your bloglines!

  3. ok, so another old leader found jason through some leaders back when we were all leaders together...she has kept up with some of them and she told me about you guys when you moved back to abilene because i was thinking about getting back into younglife...


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