Thanks for the Skribit suggestions thus far! I'll need to scan some pics to go with what you want, but I promise to get to those ideas in the next week. Keep adding...
After a day of mooching internet anywhere I can get it (don't use Dish Network for your internet service, folks. Just don't...), I'm a wee weary. So let's see what you've got. This is a Caption Contest/Semi-Wordless Wednesday. Because, clearly, I do have some words to say and I would looooooove to see what you come up with for this picture.
(By the way, I have full permission from their mom to post this pic. She can't wait to see what you've got either. And Jonathan is in the forefront of this pic, Elijah behind him.)

Leave your caption in the comments section and have fun!
"Dude...There is always next year for a National Championship!"