Tuesday, November 04, 2008

We've Got This Thing Down To A Science

When you are moving for the fourth time in two years there are several things that you should be sure you have. They are...

  • A workplace, a former workplace and several liquor stores that will stock you with moving boxes. Because nothing strikes up a conversation with your new neighbors like vast amounts of vodka and tequila boxes.

  • A mutually agreed upon and perfected moving system whereupon: the husband packs the majority of worldly goods and the moving truck; the wife packs her personal belongings and cleans the old house; the husband unpacks the moving truck while the wife cleans the new house; and they both nest in order to set-up the new house in two days flat.

  • A husband who views packing the moving truck as a giant game of Tetris.

  • A dog who shamelessly lies in the middle of it all and begs for his belly to be rubbed. Which you gladly do because that freckle-faced nose is impossible to resist.

  • Good friends who take you out for dinner so that you don't have to cook in the kitchen that is being packed up. It also helps if they encourage you to drink the restaurant's last two glasses of Chianti in order to ease your moving stress.

If you have these things, then you're all set. Move on!

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