8:01 pm
I thought that instead of reporting after the latest awards show, why not live blog it? So, cozy up, grab a beverage of your choice, don't forget to hit refresh on this ol' bloggy every once in a while and let's see what shocking events come to pass this evening in the world of music...
The Grammy's are overshadowed by some latebreaking news that Chris Brown is under investigation for domestic violence. As he and his girlfriend, Rhianna, both back out of their scheduled performances, the speculation begins. I really hope this isn't true 'cause he seems so sweet. And, you know, my opinion of him from afar should count for so much, right?
8:03 pm
Can't beat a U2 performance! Although it does seem a bit nonsensical. I'm trusting Bono that there's some truth in there somewhere.
8:06 pm
Oh Whitney, praise the lord, you look healthy! I'm glad someone reassured her that it's ok to start channeling that gracefully aging diva look. Big hair, actual curvy body but a dropdead stunning dress. Works for me.

Jennifer Hudson wins her first Grammy! I'd type more but I can't see through the tears.

While Al Green and JT rock it out (o, be still my beating heart), can we please talk about how ungracious and insincere Miley Cyrus is? On the red carpet she bragged about her dress, boasted how she's done so much more than her friends back in Nashville and said that the biggest perk of being a celebrity is having a driver all the time.

8:23 pm
I have come to appreciate that the Grammys encourages the most unexpected pairings for performaces. Like Coldplay and Jay-Z. Strange but brilliant. And if you have not at least downloaded "Viva la Vida", GO FORTH AND DO IT NOW.
8:27 pm
Dear. Lord. Someone needs to fire Carrie Underwood's stylist ASAP. What is she wearing?! It is clearly something that they stole out of Jaclyn Smith's "Charlie's Angels" wardrobe.

8:32 pm
Leann Rimes, my dear, you were raised better than this. Wash your hair before an awards show.

8:33 pm
I loooooove when Sugarland wins an award because Jennifer Nettles is just so stinkin' cute. Even if it does look like the bodice of her dress is based on the Soul Train logo. Want to put her in my pocket. And she just thanked, "my mama". Love her.

Can someone explain Duffy to me? 'Cause I just don't get it. Speaking of things I just don't get...

8:53 pm
Taylor picks "Fifteen" for the duet with Miley. This is hands down one of my favorite songs from the album. I am amazed that Taylor captures what high school feels like, felt like, so perfectly. That girl has some serious writing chops. And she played her own guitar for real. Awesome.

Shhhhhhh. Jennifer Hudson is performing. I have the Kleenex on standby.
9:04 PM
That was the most beautiful thank you note to the music community. Jennifer Hudson is the epitome of class and grace tonight.
9:05 pm
And OH MY GOSH, CHRIS BROWN IS AT THE GRAMMYS. Just saw him sitting behind Jamie Fox.
9:11 pm
I don't get the Jonas Brothers either. Although I do think this this performance of "Lovebug" was pretty fantastic. Remember what I said earlier about the Grammys and surprising but brilliant artist combinations. This one I'm not so sure about. I'm thinking Stevie's agent booked this without his permission.

Oh dear, here comes The Song. I'm gonna fess up and admit that I don't turn the radio station when they play it. It's just too catchy. To offset the "shocking" content of the lyrics, let's just admire Katy Perry's fetching red carpet ensemble, shall we?

I heart Kanye. I think he is brilliant and I really admire how he's pushing the boundaries of typical hip hop/rap music. Although, let's be honest, that haircut places him square in the middle of the 80's. Also, Estelle? Looooooove this song.

Oh my word, Adelle's little hearthrob for the Jonas Brothers was too cute! A little cockney accent never hurts anything.
9:37 pm
Morgan Freeman is friends with Kenny Chesney? Hmmm. Did not know that.
9:42 pm
Natalie Cole has been very sick so I'm thrilled to see her here tonight. She's still too skinny but her boobs look fabulous. C'mon, admit it, they were hard to miss. Why do Allison Krauss and Robert Page keep winning? This is one thing I don't understand and yet appreciate about the Grammys. It's never a given as to who will take the major categories. Which is why Kanye needs to quit whining. I still heart you though, K-West.
9:49 pm
Oops. That wasn't Chris Brown. The Grammys released a statement just a while ago, "We have just been informed that Chris Brown will not be attending tonight's 51st Annual Grammy Awards. We're sorry he is unable to join us this evening." I think maybe it was Nelly.
9:51 pm
Remember how I admired Amy Poehler for her late third trimester antics. I do not hold the same admiration for rapstress, M.I.A. Strutting your prego self around a stage on your due date in a black mesh mess is just....uncouth. Also, repeating the phrase, "No one on the corner has swagger like us" over and over again does not a performer make.

I'm sorry. I need a moment. It's Paul McCartney.
10:05 pm
Since when is Kid Rock pop?!?! And seriously, James Taylor? I love the man, he's a NC legend. But this male pop vocal category is struggling this year.
10:07 pm
Double whammy! Sugarland and Adelle performances. Have I mentioned that I love Jennifer Nettles and her refuse-to-lose-the-southern-accent ways? Also, let's give a handclap of praise for the above average figured, stunningly beautiful, and talented women that are moving to the forefront of music. We need more Adelles in this business.
10:13 pm
Shut. Up. Adelle and Jennifer together? I'm in heaven. I see a CMT Crossroads special in the making.
10:19 pm
Gwenyth Paltrow just winked at her hubby after introducing Radiohead. It's the little moments...
Also, I love any performance that involves a marching band. I was a marching band geek once upon a time, you know. Oh, you didn't? Well, that's another blog post for another time. Sans pictures, of course, I have to keep my dignity intact somehow.
10:29 pm
If loving Justin Timberlake and his voice is wrong, then I don't ever want to be right. Plus, homeboy is just really dang funny.
10:36 pm
I am alllllllll about a Secretary of the Arts! Preach, brother!
10:47 pm
Neil Diamond. My heritage, my heart, my childhood. Where it began, I can't begin to know it...I do know that this song began again and again and again on my Fisher Price record player when I was seven years old.

10:56 pm
Brilliant R&B compilation with the boys. I'll let John Mayer's twitter tell the story, "Playing with BB, Buddy and Keith Urban. I don't know how it gets better. Keith and I are like little kids shooting smiles back and forth."
11:04 pm
Yawn. The Grammys just got boring. Gary Sinise, Robin Thicke, Lil' Wayne (aka I Have No Real Talent and Can't Speak Intelligibly But Have Somehow Managed To Become Famous).
11:10 pm
Presenter for the Best Rap Album , "We proud to present the next award to any one of these five mens." I weep for what rap has done to the English language.
11:19 pm
When did Allison Krauss get so glam? I still remember this version...

11:29 pm
That's it? It's done? No offense to Stevie but that was a wee bit anticlimatic. Sigh. All in all, my Top 4 performances were:
4.) Coldplay featuring Jay-Z
3.) Justin Timberlake with T.I. (with those awesome bucket drummers!)
2.) The one, the only, Neil Diamond.
1.) Jennifer Hudson stole the show for me. What a tremendous return after these heartbreaking past months...
Apart from J-Hud, I found the whole thing lacking in some serious girl power. The absence of Rhianna, Beyonce, and Christina left me wanting more oomph, more sass. Ah well, I suppose it was the boys' night this year.
Here's to the Oscar's and the hope that Hugh Jackman won't disappoint!
You are a dear. I won't be able to view the Grammy's here until later tonight. It stinks to be 14 hours ahead of schedule. :( But I love it! And I'm SO SAD that Taylor sang with Miley. WHAT? WHY? I'm not even looking forward to it now. But Jennifer Hudson- mad props. I can't wait to hear her acceptance speech. :)
ReplyDeleteI too LOVED the Grammy's last night. I was dancing around my house like a fool for a few of the performances. I agree that Whitney looks healthy again, but Dear Lord the woman is still on something! She could barely speak last night!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous post to wrap it all up! THANKS!
I did not watch the Grammys...new Desperate Houswives was where my heart led me, however, i am glad to see you updated the pics....I saw the dress Carrie wore on the red carpet and thought it was quite pretty, didn't realize you were talking about her tragic outfit she wore when perform. She was a hot mess. Good call.
ReplyDeleteOh my dear sweet far away friend...what is NOT to get about Duffy. She is a darling SOBER Amy Winehouse who makes my heart sing right along with my mouth as I belt out her songs. Accept it.
ReplyDelete2) Fall in love with Katy Perry's "Hot n Cold". Much more family friendly than "I kissed a girl" and equally as catching and fun to blast from your speakers as you go flying down the mountain roads!
C)A Krauss is way too thin and no that is most definitely not all her hair. Weave it girlfriend!
Miss you like the dessert misses the rain,
P.S. - please post about celebrity weight issues - I have a friend who met J Simpson this past week and says she MIGHT be a size 4 in real life...GRRRR...MEDIA!!!!!!!!
Did Alison Krauss have plastic surgery? Seriously. She doesn't even look like the same person.
ReplyDeleteUnderwood was a disaster. We get it - you have great legs. Now go put some damn clothes on.
ReplyDeleteI also love me some Estelle, even in that tin foil atrocity.