Thursday, January 21, 2010

To Everything There Is A Season

And the season has come to go private with my blog.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Pondering what that might mean, weighing the pros and cons, laboring over a decision that might hurt some people’s feelings {lordy, that sounds vain} but will ultimately grant me quite a bit of freedom.

I love my blog. I love writing. These days, however, I find myself doing too much self-censoring before I even start typing. And then I don’t type at all. I’m learning that not typing, not writing, not feeling free to release my thoughts on my blog is not healthy for me at all. I need that outlet.

When I started this little diary only a handful of people knew about it. I know my readership {can you call about 80 readers a day a “readership”? I am.} has grown and I’m so grateful for the little circle of new and old bloggy friends that I’ve made. But….

It’s time to go private. For me, for my heart, for the words that need to be set free on my own little piece of the internet.

I’ll probably be back at some point. I won’t flatter myself to think that you, dear reader, might check by that often to see if I am back. Who knows? When I come back it might be under a whole new blog. Now. Wouldn’t that be an adventure?

Thanks, y’all…



{I’ll be sending email invitations to friends, family and those of you who I have an ongoing friendship/bloggy relationship with. If you’d like an invite to continue reading, feel free to leave your email address in a comment. I’ll probably be pretty particular with these so please don’t be hurt if you don’t receive one. Thanks for understanding…}


  1. LR,

    I haven't commented in a while, but I have been reading and praying for you (since your last post). Life gets out of control, but thankfully, we still have God In control of it all!

    I'd love to keep reading, but totally understand having privacy. Praying for ya Sister!!


  2. I'm like Jenn... have been reading for along time & not much of a commenter... so I wish you the best, & if you do go public again with a new blog, remember me - I'd love to see what you're up to!

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Likewise - it's been fun "catching up" with ya virtually. You have a great sense of humor and a common love for all things "suhthan" :). Would love to stay in touch, but totally understand the need to express freely.


  4. thank you so much for inviting me!
    i sure do love your blog, even though i'm not good at commenting, i do read it every time you post!

    i love love love your post about moore school! :)

    ~ Leigh Anna (aka L.O.V.)


Love me some comments! If you don't have a Google/Gmail ID, please make sure you leave your name and/or email. Also, I moderate my comments so don't be alarmed if it doesn't show up right away. Thanks, y'all!