Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Something New..." What I Wore Wednesday"

When I was in the seventh grade, one of my most treasured possessions was one of those free pocket calendars that Hallmark shops always had by the register. Mine had a special purpose. I didn't use it to keep track of my homework or youth group events or any sort of social calendar. Oh no, my little Hallmark calendar's sole purpose was to keep track of what I wore each day. That's right, my mortal fear at the age of thirteen was that I might repeat an outfit on days too close together.

My issues started early, y'all.

Each little day's block of white space was carefully filled with phrases such as, "Limited jeans, green turtleneck, peach sweater" or "Guess jeans, striped rugby, Baha hoodie" or "Khaki skirt, white long sleeve, green flannel shirt".

Can we just all agree right now that the 90's weren't so good to any of us, fashion wise? Yes? Ok, thanks.

Cut to twenty years later and I'm about to lay the 2011 version of my little Hallmark calendar wide open on this here blog in front of the whole Internet. Let's just say it's part of the "do over" I posted about yesterday, a chance to indulge my girly-girl side for all it's worth.

Lindsey over at The Pleated Poppy started "What I Wore Wednesday" so that women from all over could link up their weekly outfits and perhaps be inspired by (or in my case, just copy cat) what others are wearing. My best friend in Texas, Abby, has been doing WIWW for a while now and I have definitely been inspired by her stylish, colorful, chic ensembles.

So, for better or for worse, here's my very first WIWW. Abby, you can't say I didn't try!

pleated poppy

Thursday - Work

One thing I'm going to be honest about right from the beginning of this is I am incredibly short-waisted. And thick-waisted, if I'm being even more honest. So tucking things in usually isn't an option for me. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the waistband on this skirt (scored at Target for $10!) was more attractive with my top tucked in rather than left out. Hooray for faux waist definition!

Skirt - Target
Tank top - Lands End
Puffed Sleeve Cardigan (eat your heart out, Anne Shirley) - Walmart
Necklace - Target

Friday - Work

This denim jacket has been really really good to me for ten years now. Thank goodness for pieces that never go out of style.

Dress - Old Navy (two years ago)
Denim Jacket - Old Navy
White Tube Top - Banana Republic
Necklace - Surprises Gift Shop in Abilene, TX
Hair - My new obessession with twist & pin styling, courtesy of Hair Romance

Sunday - Church

I saw this dress on Pinterest a few weeks ago and swooned. Thankfully, it was on sale and was soon making its way to our little home. I plan on making it work well into fall and winter as well.

Dress - Garnet Hill
Cardigan - Gap Outlet
Ring - Forever 21

Monday - work and Covenant All Staff & Faculty Dinner

Every winter, I wait patiently for Memorial Day so that I can bring out these white pants. I wear them as much as I can before Labor Day, when they'll be packed up once again. What can I say? I'm a southern girl and I follow the southern fashion rules. I love these pants. My mom bought them for me at Ann Taylor Loft five years ago as part of a new outfit for the wedding shower my bridesmaids gave me. They are still in fabulous condition and I think they're magic because they seem to fit me no matter what the scale says. Ladies, may you all be blessed with such a pair of pants.

Top - Forever 21
Necklace - Target
Hair - Velcro rollers & large barrel curling iron, another step in my quest for Tami Taylor hair

Tuesday - Work

So when I wear this and the overwhelming blurted out response from my coworkers is, "My goodness, you're so bright!" that's a good thing...right?
That's me, God's little ray of sunshine!

Dress - Old Navy
Cardigan - Gap Outlet
Sandals - Old Navy
Hair - Lopsided messy bun. Who knew messy would take practice?

And there's my week! Clearly, I need to add some color to my wardrobe. Good to know. Something to aspire to for next week...

Click below and head on over to The Pleated Poppy for a peek at what other folks wore this week!

pleated poppy


  1. Ok, this blog post was so fun! ... and humbling. My wardrobe is clearly outdated, but yours is O so chic! Love it! and definitely love the shout out to Anne Shirley, someone near and dear to our hearts.
    Miss you!

  2. I love this!!! That's so funny that, as a teen, you were conscience of the big problem of Repeat Outfits!

  3. love the outfits! i would join in on this except that i am still very much in the baby stage and have been known to wear a pajama top with a cardigan over it. hmm......maybe that's a great reason to start doing WIWW!

  4. Welcome to WIWW world! Love your outfits, they're awesomely sassy, just like Abby predicted.

  5. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Love the outfits! I also had a calendar that I kept just for what I wore each day when I was in jr. high.

  6. Love this post! Your outfits are very cute and your hair styles are so creative. I need to get more adventurous with my hair styles.

  7. Love your blog, girl. And your outfits. I'm swooning over that Garnet Hill dress. How did I miss it!

  8. Aren't you glad we made it past those awkward 90's? I love your outfits, but I have yet to be blessed with a pair of pants that awesome! ....perhaps my shortness is a factor in this ;)

  9. I adore how you styled your hair everyday... seriously cute! and I love that gray dress and feather blouse...


  10. How cute are you???
    Stopping by from WIWW at The Pleated Poppy. Love your outfits and how you did your hair :)
    I'd love it if you came and visited me. xx

  11. my favorites: the grey dress and yellow cardigan, and the pink dress with yellow cardigan. Adorable.

  12. Anonymous8:51 PM

    You have great style! I hope you keep linking up so we can see more. I love that LBD with the denim.

  13. The yellow/pink color combo looks great on you, and that gray dress is adorable! I won't even pretend like I didn't write down my outfits in high school--I was terrified of wearing the same thing two weeks in a row! :-)

  14. You've been a busy and stylish little bee! Taking pictures of your fantastic looks all week is time consuming I know.
    You look great and have just given me a reason to look forward to Wednesdays!

  15. I have that same pink dress from old navy and can't bring myself to wear it, it's so bright! This post made me laugh with that co worker comment! Good for you for being brave!

  16. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Why am I not surprised that you are the only other person on this Earth that kept a wardrobe journal?! ;-) Scary, really, Soul Sista!


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