Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Inspiration via Instagram

In an attempt to woo myself back into writing, I've been looking for inspiration wherever I can find it. I figured I'd start with that oh so popular app, Instagram. Every month, Chantelle posts a series of photo prompts for that entire month. Since my job is pretty slow right now, I knew that I could put some effort into being intentional about looking for the little things. Here's a little bit of my June thus far...

Day 1, Morning. 
Somehow getting Starbucks from the one next to the famous "See Rock City" feels even more special.

Day 2, Empty
Every single produce bag holder at Walmart. For over a week now. #1stworldproblems

Day 3, On my plate.
A zucchini brownie from the second batch I've made this week. #paleo
{Yes, I've been eating Paleo for the last couple of months. Blog post coming on that soon...}

Day 4, Close-up. 
Budding hydrangea outside my office.

Day 5, Sign. 
When you have middle & high school students on campus all summer, this is absolutely necessary.
{I didn't make this sign, but I giggle every time I walk by it!}

Day 6, Hat. 
I still long for this gorgeous chapeaux. 
I found it at Kress Emporium in downtown Asheville last spring and oh, how I wish I could have brought it home with me! #southerngirl

Day 7, Drink. 
Water. All the ding dang day.

Day 8, 6 p.m. 
Contemplating take-out from a restaurant that, turns out, we will never patronize ever again. Specifically, the location in Red Bank. Worst. Management. EVER.

Day 9, My View Today. 
Morning quiet
Oil change 
Sunset cookout with friends
Patio lights I've waited 6 years to hang. 

Day 10, Best Bit of My Weekend. 
This, always. #mylove

Day 11, Door. 
And every day I'm happy to walk through it!

Which reminds me, I need to post pics of our new place now that we're all moved in. See? Inspiration found.


  1. I need to hear about your paleo adventures...Daniel is addicted to Crossfit and Paleo Diet right now.

    1. Crossfit is too intense for me (although my friend Tiffany is freaking rocking it!), but I love love love eating paleo. Best I've felt in a long time and I don't feel super deprived. More coming, I promise!

  2. Happy to see this corner of the internet up and running! Looking forward to more posts to come. :)


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