Monday, October 15, 2012

Heeding the call to silence

No, I haven't already flaked on this whole blogging thing. Just taking a day or two to be silent and let things percolate. Back with something other than pictures tomorrow, promise!


{Nothing says Sunday afternoon for me like a trip to Jo-Ann's for crafty supplies.} 

{October Photo a Day, 14 - Finding photos that my best friends took while I was away from the table definitely make me laugh.} 

{I took today off since the college kids are on Fall Break. I slept through Jason leaving, but I adore his style of a love note.} 

{October Photo a Day, 15 - Miracle of miracles, two weeks in a row of actually having a plan for dinnertime at The Petree House.} 

1 comment:

  1. I'm great at planning a menu and buying the groceries. The hard part is actually having the energy to cook. And I usually forget to fill out my menu on the refrigerator until about Thursday.


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