Thursday, October 03, 2013

Making Space

Just a quick thought tonight on making space for creativity. Practically, if the physical spaces around me are cluttered, I find it really hard to create well. I need wide open spaces (hello, Dixie Chicks) where I can spread out my materials and envision a finished product. The trouble with that is I'm a stacker. Little stacks here and there add up quickly for me. So today, I put (almost) everything in it's proper place and created space. 

I think the same applies to mental space, too. I don't do well creatively if there are lingering guilts about tasks left undone. My inbox and feedly reader were out. of. control. So, I took a few hour to reply to emails and leave comments on blogs I've had in there for weeks. Something about looking at that clean screen gives me permission to spend more time in that corner of the den where my craft table and sewing machine reside. 

Now, this closet? 

Yeah, that one's gonna have to wait until tomorrow. And I plan to be ruthless. Wish me luck.


  1. I totally agree! And now I have the Dixie Chicks song in my head :)

    1. Ha! Sing it with me, "She needs wiiiiiiide opeeeeen spaaaaaces..."

  2. Oh girl, I need space too. Unfortunately I also really struggle with keeping things uncluttered and/or even a little bit clean.

    1. It's that margin thing again, right? Still, be sure to extend a large bit of grace to yourself. After all, you're sharing your home with a lot of folks :)


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