Sunday, November 02, 2008

Ghoulish Goodies

We celebrated Halloween early at the Cancer Center. Thursdays are when the kids from the children's clinic come to us for their labs and chemo treatments. So, we all dressed up a day early and had a Halloween Cooking Contest as well.

I'll admit that for the last few years I haven't really done much in the way of Halloween costumes. After four years of celebrating on Franklin Street and one glorious Halloween with the E-Ranch, it's hard to rise to that standard again and again.

Still, when the office email popped up announcing a costume contest with movie tickets as the winning prize I thought I'd give it a go. Throw together a retro dress, some pearls and red hair spray and you have...

Please tell me you know who I am.

Because so many of the patients didn't seem to know and then I just felt like a freak with big poofy red bangs. All day. I have never been so grateful for hot water and shampoo.

Sadly, I didn't win the contest. I'm not sure who did but I hear I got lumped together with the clinic nurses who dressed in pajamas (can you say lame?) and called themselves, "Desperate Housewives."

Um, hello? Lucy wasn't a desperate houswife. She had Rickey to bail her out of everything. Jeez.

Thankfully, the cooking contest gave me a place to seek solace. Behold the offerings...

Gravestone Pudding Cups

Kitty Litter Cake (tasted better than it looked)


Fingers & Toes

Deviled Eyes

Scrambled Brains

All of sudden, finding a costume for a toddler looks so much more appealing...

Announcement: National Blog Posting Month began yesterday and I'm in for the challenge. Thirty days, thirty posts. Last year, this event truly transformed my blogging habits. If you're interested, click the button in my sidebar to get more details. In the meantime, stay tuned...


  1. My husband and I think your costume looks AWESOME! :) I dressed all my boys (including hubby) in Darth Vader costumes, so I'm thinking your costume is highly original and very funny! :)

    I enjoyed the pics of your Halloween office buffet! That looks like fun!

  2. Your costume is so cute!!!!

    As far as the food, you had me until the fingers and toes. Eww. :)


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