Friday, November 07, 2008

I Hate Fire!

That's what his text message said to me this afternoon. I had gone into town this morning at 8:30 to have one last breakfast with a friend. Afterwards, I ended up running some errands for Mrs. Whirly. I then decided to take care of some stuff in town so that next week, during the crunch time before Moving Day, I could stay at home.

Except that I forgot to communicate some of that to my husband. Ok, all of it except the part about breakfast. So you can imagine why he was expecting me to be home around 10 a.m.

After I left the house Jason (under the advisement of his dad) decided to start a "controlled" burn to get rid of waste, shrub, branches, etc. they had cleared from the yard months ago when working on the house. The wind seemed fairly calm and so Jason heeded his father's advice, fully expecting to have everything done and the fire out by the time I got home.

Except the wind shifted.

And the fire spread.

And at 1:12 p.m., I received the following text message from My Love,

"I don't like fire! As a matter of fact, I hate fire! When the fire department comes to your house to put out a "control burn" after the wind shifts, it sucks!"

Awesome. It really wasn't his fault. The wind is quite unpredictable out here. He didn't even really want to start the fire in the first place. But usually his dad has the right idea. Just not this time.

So I as I pulled up to the house, I wasn't prepared for what I saw. What used to be a fifty by hundred yard stretch of tall grass was now completely black and barren. Thankfully, the fire was contained and no permanent damage was done to our property or the neighbors.

But I do have a very tired husband covered in soot. And a certain freckle faced dog covered in soot as well.


  1. Wow! That sure was stressful! I'm glad everyone is okay.

  2. Anonymous11:25 PM

    omigosh! what a day for your husband...and the dog! TRAUMA!!!!

    i'm glad the fire didn't spread & i'm glad no one was hurt!


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