Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Alison Cruise Unger…

I don’t actually remember when she was born. I was three and a half after all, just on the cusp of developing firm memories. But born she was on May 5, 1981. Tiny, screaming and perfect, I finally had a baby sister. Even now, when I look at her baby pictures, I still think she resembled the most perfect little baby chick. Tufts of blond hair, blue eyes and a mouth that was perpetually open.

Judging by the many pictures our parents took, I loved her. And I can remember loving her too. Holding her, pulling her in my wagon, sliding down the tallest slide on my birthday, building blanket forts in our bedroom, hugging and grinning from ear to ear as Mom took pictures just because.

But then I got older and she did too. The adolescent years were tough and I shudder to think of all the griping and fights our parents had to endure. But do you know what I remember most through all that time? I loved her fiercely and I knew she loved me too. I remember laughter, lots of laughter. Sometimes even when we were getting along we would get in trouble because we were being just that silly.

Allie, I am so glad that you were born. You are the best sister, friend, encourager, defender, bull crap caller I could ever ask for and you still make me laugh harder than anyone else in the world {except for Jason, but I know you’re okay with that.} I am ridiculously proud of you and all that you are, all that you’ve accomplished in twenty-eight years.

Happy Birthday my sweet sister…twenty-eight and thirty-one seem closer than ever!

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  1. What an amazingly sweet post! My sister and I are the same way... went through some tough patches as we were growing up, but are super close now!

  2. So sweet! It brought tears to my eyes. You are so lucky to have eachother.

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Ali looks so much like your mom in that picture! You are precious and I know for her to read that blesses her beyond words. Yua gud sister.

  4. allie6:21 PM

    i can't believe i read this a day late! but i am sitting here all teary eyed now. thanks Lu, I love you!
    I can't wait to hang out with you all weekend!


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